Whatsapp new privacy policy can leak your personal information!
We’re sure by this point you’ve heard about the WhatsApp policy changes. Which have caused tens of millions to migrate over to the competing services telegram and signal. Millions of users across the globe are concerned about the security of WhatsApp given that it’s a Facebook product. People are worried because many have already been concerned about Facebook itself for the same reasons. Telegram and signal have better public perception when it comes to security and privacy.
Functionality offered:
Both apps offer very similar functionality free apps that allow users to chat send images videos voice messages and files. Both of these also offers end-to-end encryption. Although telegram’s app doesn’t have it on by default instead enabling telegram’s cloud encryption. It’s only secret chats that is entered and encrypted. Let’s look at the numbers while getting typical users can be tough we’ve got the download figures below.
As you can see WhatsApp understandably has the most downloads on android at 5 billion as it has come pre-installed on some smartphones before telegram comes in at half a billion downloads on android and signal comes in last with around 10 million downloads.
All three apps are available on android and ios and each has a version of a web app. Which is available on the desktop including mac windows and Linux. So no matter what platform you’re on you’re more likely going to be able to use WhatsApp telegram and signal. All three apps are laid out fairly similarly. If you’re new to any of them it’s pretty easy to get set up and to navigate the different menus and options on the surface really they’re very similar.
What differentiates these messaging platforms and why are people moving away from WhatsApp to signal and telegram.
Whatsapp Policy:
let’s start off with WhatsApp because we need to talk about its current stance and what its changes mean. So right now WhatsApp uses a proprietary end-to-end encryption protocol that on a very basic level means that only the sender and the recipient can see the contents of the messages being sent even WhatsApp itself cannot see……….
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